Tag Archives: home phone

The Importance of Shopping around for home communications needs!

I recently was able to decrease my monthly bill for home phone, internet, and cable by $100 a month by shopping around and switching providers.  I had been with one provider for 5 years, and was paying around $100 per month for basic home phone, high speed internet, and basic cable with HD channels added on.  My bill was set to increase to $170 per month in June as a year long promotional rate was about to end.

When I called the competition, I discovered that they were offering a 6 month promotional package for $45 per month, plus an additional $15 to rent a PVR.  Once the 6 months were up, the bill would increase to $82 per month.  Even at regular price, our bill would still be lower than I was previously paying to provider number one.

Shopping around for your home communications needs is extremely  beneficial.  I have found in the past and with the current example that there are always plans that are not advertised, but that the sales team is willing to offer.  The same goes for cell phone plans, which I will discuss in another posting.